
A Raven's Hail Mary in the land of Steelers!!

In the saga of bitter footballing rivalries, Ravens and Steelers have often walked away with bloodied noses - regardless if those fist fights happened on the Raven's own backyard or Steelers Heinz stadium. So for a hardcore Ravens fan it was incredibly difficult to quell the internal uprising before embarking on a trip to Pittsburgh. Fortunately 241 miles and 3 1/2 hours later I found myself hunkered in a hotel right next to the PNC baseball Arena.   Point State Park The hotel shuttle dropped us at the Point State Park - located at the confluence of 3 rivers is also at the tip of Pittsburgh Golden Triangle. Alleghany and Monongahela blissfully merge to form the Ohio River. The park now designated as a National Historic Landmark commemorates the historic heritage of the area during the French and Indian wars fought in the mid 1700s.  The river walk around the park is a cozy affair culminating into the "Point" where the vibrant fountain adorns the tip of that tr